Weeknotes week 43

First weeknotes of Brinjel. Every week, learn about the ongoing progress!

Infrastructure setup and… beta test launch!

With a slight delay, the beta test was launched on October 10th with eight people. It took me longer than expected to set up Brinjel’s server, particularly because I chose to not use any of the “cloud” offerings. The whole infrastructure had to be set up and automated. Brinjel is therefore officially hosted in Germany, and your data is backed up in France. Your farm data will never leave Europe!

Settings: families, crops, varieties…

I redesigned the settings interface. I find Qrop’s list settings interface complex, with numerous drop-down lists for families, crops and varieties definition. The new interface should make it easier to navigate.

Weeknotes week 43

Qrop database import

I spent a lot of time working on Qrop database import. Why? Because, when you’ll switch to Brinjel, you’ll want all you Qrop data back, with just a few clicks. Following the launch of the beta test, several bugs were reported to me, most of which have been fixed.

Advanced search and filter for plantings

Now you can search plantings by families, crops or varieties using a syntax similar to that of a search engine:

  • radish OR lettuce will only show radishes and lettuces
  • radish NOT raxe will only radishes whose varieties are not Raxe
  • sola* OR api* will show all Solanaceae and Apiaceae

The filter feature has also been redesigned. Now you can filter by status, planting type and location type. In a near future, it will also be possible to filter by tag from the same dialog. Used with advanced search feature, it will be easy to find your plantings!

Weeknotes week 43

Crop plan duplication

Crop plan duplication if now fully working. I took the opportunity to improve the duplication algorithm used in Qrop. More on this later!